Pam mason
Pastoral Counselor
Pam was born and raised in the Florida Panhandle. She received a Master of Clinical
Social Work from Florida State University in 1998 and was certified as a biblical
counselor with the Association for Certification of Biblical Counselors (ACBC) in 2016.
Pam worked as a grief counselor in a hospice setting for 19 years and is a former
certified thanatologist through the Association for Death Education and Counseling
Pam married Barry Mason in 1987. They enjoy new adventures and ministry projects
together. Pam serves at her church, Fellowship at Midway, by leading the counseling
center there. She and Barry volunteer as marriage coaches for Hope Weekends here at
Live the Life Ministries. Pam thrives in seeing people change through dependence on
God’s Word. She has a passion for counseling women with the hope that only Jesus can
bring. Pam joins the Live the Life team as a counselor.