Elliott Bartlett
Student Programs Coordinator
Husband, father, and servant of God, Elliott Bartlett has a heart for the lost and hurting. Having experienced the glory of God's goodness, while also tasting the road to folly, Elliott shares a down to earth perspective on what it means to build a healthy life. Interning with the Patmos Reality discipleship School, he has been working alongside churches and local youth programs since 2013. Throughout the years, the laughs and the tears, Elliott has been shaped by the many victories, the losses, the ups and the downs that life carries, all the while learning, “All things work together for good to those who love God”.
Being the owner of a local management company, Honest2God Cleaning, many managerial, operational, conflict resolution, and client relationship skills were developed. These skills are now being used to develop and build a sustainable student program, reaching the hearts and minds of students all across Broward county, instilling healthy relationship skills. Elliott is aware, “To he who is given much, much is required “, and with all the resources God's spirit provides, he is excited about shaping our communities and culture into a God-fearing society.