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hope weekends
and intensives


"Life changing...Impactful...

Absolute game-changer, forever transformed."

For highly stressed couples contemplating divorce, or couples seeking a deeper connection.


Did you know that traditional marriage counseling has about a 25% rate of success in restoring and healing marriages? Hope Weekend on the other hand, has a success rate of more than 85% for couples who complete this marriage intensive. While traditional counseling takes months, Hope Weekend, a marriage intensive lasting two to three days can clear obstacles and develop relational skills you can implement immediately.



Hope Weekend provides tools to help couples deepen their bond and express healthy “in-love” feelings.



The vision for our Hope Weekend Marriage Retreat is simple: We want marriages to be healed and restored so more children will grow up in happier, healthier homes. 

If your marriage is in crisis, we ask you to block out three days of your life and go “all in” to get the breakthrough you desperately want and need from a Hope Weekend experience. If you cannot commit to the entire three day process, please do not sign up. The stakes are too high for your marriage and family to walk into this experience half-hearted. 

Hope starts here.



This Skills-based approach recognizes that there are basic emotional and relational needs common to all human beings. Relationships can be torn apart by past hurts and brokenness as well as by unmet emotional needs in the present. Using the best tools of psychological and behavioral research, our Marriage Intensive Instructor and Personal Marriage Coaches help clients identify past hurts, unmet emotional needs, and self-defeating behavioral patterns which may be hindering personal growth and relational health. The goal of Skills Based Counseling is to assist couples in discovering new ways of thinking and behaving that will help them develop a healthy and satisfying marriage.

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Jimmy and Angie Cash have been married since 2004, and have a big, blended family of seven children, and six grandchildren. Jimmy spent twenty-six years in public service, and retired from law enforcement at the rank of Captain. Angie spent twenty years as a nurse, and was once awarded National Nurse of the Year by the US Dept. of VA. Both successful in their careers, over the years they lost their ability to communicate and became miserable roommates. After a five week separation period, “friends” gave the two a less than one percent chance in surviving. A pastor friend referred the couple to Live the Life, and soon both learned things about themselves and each other that “they did not know, that they did not know.” They learned and practiced communication skills that helped them resolve conflict in a healthy way, implement a plan on how to earn back and restore trust, and increase emotional and physical intimacy. Hope Weekend accelerated their growth as a couple, and they made exponential gains in their intimacy, trust and restoration during the process of the Hope Weekend retreat.


Jimmy and Angie allowed God to not only heal but renew their marriage. Transforming their marriage, God also turned what was once their pain, into their passion and their purpose. Both left their promising careers and joined Live the Life. Angie is the Hope Weekend coordinator, and Jimmy is the Deputy Director of the Tallahassee office, and primary instructor for Hope Weekend.

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Jimmy Cash is our Deputy Regional Director and primary instructor of Hope Weekends.

(850) 843-4698


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Doug Stephens is Director of the Tallahassee office, a Pastoral Counselor and conducts Marriage Intensives.

(850) 766-4424



Angie Cash is our Marriage Program Coordinator. For details on costs and scheduling, contact:

(850) 295-1197

"Hope Weekend was the single most significant experience of my life outside of my not only changed my marriage, it changed my life."

Live the Life does not offer long term clinical therapy services. 
Individuals or couples needing these services will be referred to appropriate licensed clinicians.
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